Gritty post-apocalyptic 5th Edition Source Books for the world's most popular Table Top Role Playing Game.
Shattered Worlds transports the players to a world recovering from a devastating nuclear war where technology and magic exist side-by-side. Events, now commonly referred to as “fractures” broke the veil between the many worlds, exchanging pieces of the Earth with others from the multiverses in the process. But turf wasn’t all that moved between the spheres; numerous plants, animals, and peoples were also uprooted and transplanted into worlds wholly alien to themselves.
Then came the "fractures" connecting the Earth to the Abyss, bringing entire armies of demons to ravage the newly discovered lands. The resulting wars between humanity and the demon hordes devastated the Earth as magic and nuclear fire raged. The agents of chaos were finally vanquished, and the last great demon army was destroyed outside of Los Angeles. Earth’s inhabitants paid an incredibly high price. The wars and resulting nuclear winter in the northern hemisphere resulted in mass starvation and plagues while in the southern hemisphere, an economic collapse resulted in the extermination of more than 90% of the world’s population.
This collapse of civilization is known as “The Fall”.
Twenty-five years later, the world’s climate has begun to recover, and pockets of survivors are venturing forth from the ruins seeking a better life. They are greeted by a shattered landscape that bears little resemblance to the once-green orb known as Earth.
Against this backdrop, like pieces on a giant chess board; demons, devils, liches, elves, humans, and others vie for survival and superiority. These factions and many more are destined to become the player’s allies, their nemesis, or possibly both as they explore the war-torn landscape.
April 2nd, 2046: Seattle, WA. A reporter stands outside on a hill with the Seattle Space Needle in the background. She starts “We have just received reports that a joint US and PLA Special Forces operation to stop rogue PLA general “Hēi wángzǐ” has failed.” She looks off-camera for a moment that looks back at the camera with terror on her face. “We are now getting reports that the general has followed through with his threat and has launched a massive nuclear strike at targets across the world. The government urges all citizens to stay calm and seek the nearest…” Civil Defense Sirens can now be heard in the background. [The reporter looks up in the sky and points, then the video feed goes dead). - King 5 Final live broadcast
September 4th, 2047: May Day May Day May Day. If anyone can still hear this, we need help. This is United States Antarctic Research Station Palmer, and we are almost out of food and heating oil. The winter storms have been non-stop for over 2 years and our equipment is starting to fail. We need resupply urgently. Can anyone hear me? May Day May Day May Day - an unknown caller
Shattered Worlds brings to 5th edition
Gritty rules for running modern battles with Tactical and Strategic combat.
With over 60 detailed modern small arms, shattered worlds bring everything from a shotgun to a Barrett Anti-Material Rifle into the 5th edition rules. In addition, we add rules for LMGs, HMGs, Grenades, Grenade Launchers, Javelin Anti-Tank Missile, Mortars, Air to Ground Missiles, and much more.
Updates Races for the Shattered Worlds Setting
Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Orc and Half-Elf, Tefieling
Six new post-fall classes
Soldier - A soldier is a professional in the arts of military science and in its application on the battlefield. They are trained to use modern weapons and tactics to dominate a battlefield.
Scout: While a soldier understands the means for direct action, a scout often is a master of asymmetric warfare. Scout is a character based on thinking first while blending into the environment to get an advantage. They excel at ranged combat and have specialized skills.
Technician: A Technician is a character centered around both designing, using, and repairing equipment or more physical items. An engineer, mechanic, computer programmer, or gunsmith would all fit into the Technician character class.
Specialist: A Specialist is mostly about the theory of an area of knowledge whereas a technician is about the practice of the skill. Specialists can be doctors, scientists, or any field that tends to have a specific set of skills that focus on research and theory. The creative use of the class is to make a specialist in a specific style of combat (say demolitions) as the number of feats the class has access to could allow a deadly combination.
Warden: In the changed world after the fall, a combination of old-world knowledge and skills mix with the post-fall use of modern technology to create a new warrior: The Warden. This class uses a mixture of wilderness survival with both ancient and modern weapons.
The Modern Warlock: The modern warlock is defined by the pact with a being of incredible power to be able to channel the limited available magic in the world. These pacts are not to be taken lightly as all the beings must use their limited power to enable magic to be channeled in our world and they don't do this without reward to themselves or their causes.
New Modern Weapons, Vehicles, and Toolset Proficiencies
New post-apocalyptic backgrounds
New Modern Feats
Detailed world-building of the Fall of Civilization with rules for radiation, diseases, and the world post the fall.
Modern Vehicles in 5th edition
Over 50 detailed modern items and supplies in 5th edition rules
The Devil Vs Demon wars on earth
Over 50 animals, monsters, devils, demons, and other post-fall creatures.
Survivors of the Fall. Over 25 different encounter groups.